
Sunday Evening News 388 - Weeks 32, 33 - 2024

Weekly report on genetic engineering, genome editing, biotechnology and legal regulations.

August 2024-05-08 - 2024-08-19

Press Releases -Media / Presse- und Medienberichte

taz: Neue Gentechnik jetzt erhältlich!6025207/


Informationsdienst Gentechnik: EU-Kommission lässt ersten Crispr-Mais zu


GM Watch: First market approval for NGT/"new GM" plants in the EU


Bloom J.: Viewpoint: ‘Only in California could coffee both cause and prevent cancer’


Ludwig T.: Vier Empfehlungen für ein Halleluja


Gene technology regulation

New Zealand’s gene technology rules are being updated to match scientific and technology advancements.


OGTR: Snapshot of genetically modified (GM) wheat trials

GM wheat can only be grown with the approval of the Gene Technology Regulator (the Regulator), who carries out a science-based risk assessment before the crop is approved for release.


Only some selected press releases or media reports are listed here. The daily up-date of the press releases and

 media reports are ►here: /August week 32 / 33


Publications – Publikationen

FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHO (2024): The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2024

Financing to end hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition in all its forms. Rome.


Farooq M. A., Gao S., Hassan M.A. et al. (2024): Artificial intelligence in plant breeding. Trends in Genetics |

Harnessing cutting-edge technologies to enhance crop productivity is a pivotal goal in modern plant breeding. Artificial intelligence (AI) is renowned for its prowess in big data analysis and pattern recognition, and is revolutionizing numerous scientific domains including plant breeding. We explore the wider potential of AI tools in various facets of breeding, including data collection, unlocking genetic diversity within genebanks, and bridging the genotype–phenotype gap to facilitate crop breeding. This will enable the development of crop cultivars tailored to the projected future environments. Moreover, AI tools also hold promise for refining crop traits by improving the precision of gene-editing systems and predicting the potential effects of gene variants on plant phenotypes. Leveraging AI-enabled precision breeding can augment the efficiency of breeding programs and holds promise for optimizing cropping systems at the grassroots level. This entails identifying optimal inter-cropping and crop-rotation models to enhance agricultural sustainability and productivity in the field.


Majumder, M.A., Leek, J.T., Hansen, K.D. et al. (2024): Large-scale genotype prediction from RNA sequence data necessitates

 a new ethical and policy framework. Nat Genet 56, 1537–1540 |

Genotype prediction from RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) data has become widespread, but there is a lack of clarity in current policy and inconsistency in data handling. To address this we call for a framework consisting of registered access for RNA-seq data, controlled access for genotypes, a code of conduct and enhanced downstream protections.


Malakondaiah, S., Julius, A., Ponnambalam, D. et al. (2024): Gene silencing by RNA interference: a review. GENOME INSTAB.


RNA interference (RNAi)-based gene silencing has emerged as a potent method for regulating gene expression, with applications spanning biology, medicine, and biotechnology. RNAi exploits natural cellular machinery to selectively suppress target gene expression through the targeted degradation of mRNA based on its specific sequence. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) and small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are two examples of tiny RNA molecules that are introduced during this process; they direct the silencing complex induced by RNA (RISC) in response to complementary mRNA and repress its translation. Several biological functions, including cellular homeostasis maintenance and developmental regulation against viral infections and transposable elements, depend heavily on RNAi-mediated gene silencing. In research, RNAi has revolutionized functional genomics by enabling high-throughput analysis of gene functions and regulatory networks. Moreover, RNAi-based screening approaches have facilitated the discovery of novel drug targets and therapeutic agents. In medicine, RNAi shows potential for addressing genetic disorders, viral infections, cancer, and other diseases by providing a means for precise and targeted intervention. Nevertheless, issues with delivery, specificity, immunogenicity, and safety impede the clinical translation of RNAi-based treatments. RNAi has shown great promise in biotechnology and agriculture for bioproduction, crop improvement, and pest management. Despite these challenges, the rapid advancement of RNAi research and technology holds immense potential to further our understanding of gene regulation and revolutionize therapeutic interventions. An overview of the relevance and uses of RNAi in gene silencing is given in this review, emphasizing the role it will play in directing future biological and medical research.


Wang, F., Ma, S., Zhang, S. et al. (2024): CRISPR beyond: harnessing compact RNA-guided endonucleases for enhanced

genome editing. Sci. China Life Sci. |

The CRISPR-Cas system, an adaptive immunity system in prokaryotes designed to combat phages and foreign nucleic acids, has evolved into a groundbreaking technology enabling gene knockout, large-scale gene insertion, base editing, and nucleic acid detection. Despite its transformative impact, the conventional CRISPR-Cas effectors face a significant hurdle—their size poses challenges in effective delivery into organisms and cells. Recognizing this limitation, the imperative arises for the development of compact and miniature gene editors to propel advancements in gene-editing-related therapies. Two strategies were accepted to develop compact genome editors: harnessing OMEGA (Obligate Mobile Element-guided Activity) systems, or engineering the existing CRISPR-Cas system. In this review, we focus on the advances in miniature genome editors based on both of these strategies. The objective is to unveil unprecedented opportunities in genome editing by embracing smaller, yet highly efficient genome editors, promising a future characterized by enhanced precision and adaptability in the genetic interventions.


Tripathi L., Ntui V.O., Tripathi J.N. (2024): Application of CRISPR/Cas-based gene-editing for developing better banana.

. Bioeng. Biotechnol.,Sec. Biosafety and Biosecurity 12  |

Banana (Musa spp.), including plantain, is one of the major staple food and cash crops grown in over 140 countries in the subtropics and tropics, with around 153 million tons annual global production, feeding about 400 million people. Despite its widespread cultivation and adaptability to diverse environments, banana production faces significant challenges from pathogens and pests that often coexist within agricultural landscapes. Recent advancements in CRISPR/Cas-based gene editing offer transformative solutions to enhance banana resilience and productivity. Researchers at IITA, Kenya, have successfully employed gene editing to confer resistance to diseases such as banana Xanthomonas wilt (BXW) by targeting susceptibility genes and banana streak virus (BSV) by disrupting viral sequences. Other breakthroughs include the development of semi-dwarf plants, and increased β-carotene content. Additionally, non-browning banana have been developed to reduce food waste, with regulatory approval in the Philippines. The future prospects of gene editing in banana looks promising with CRISPR-based gene activation (CRISPRa) and inhibition (CRISPRi) techniques offering potential for improved disease resistance. The Cas-CLOVER system provides a precise alternative to CRISPR/Cas9, demonstrating success in generating gene-edited banana mutants. Integration of precision genetics with traditional breeding, and adopting transgene-free editing strategies, will be pivotal in harnessing the full potential of gene-edited banana. The future of crop gene editing holds exciting prospects for producing banana that thrives across diverse agroecological zones and offers superior nutritional value, ultimately benefiting farmers and consumers. This article highlights the pivotal role of CRISPR/Cas technology in advancing banana resilience, yield and nutritional quality, with significant implications for global food security.


Li, XD., Liu, LM., Xi, YC. et al. (2024): Development of a base editor for convenient and multiplex genome editing in

cyanobacteria. Commun Biol 7, 994 |

Cyanobacteria are important primary producers, contributing to 25% of the global carbon fixation through photosynthesis. They serve as model organisms to study the photosynthesis, and are important cell factories for synthetic biology. To enable efficient genetic dissection and metabolic engineering in cyanobacteria, effective and accurate genetic manipulation tools are required. However, genetic manipulation in cyanobacteria by the conventional homologous recombination-based method and the recently developed CRISPR-Cas gene editing system require complicated cloning steps, especially during multi-site editing and single base mutation. This restricts the extensive research on cyanobacteria and reduces its application potential. In this study, a highly efficient and convenient cytosine base editing system was developed which allows rapid and precise C → T point mutation and gene inactivation in the genomes of Synechocystis and Anabaena. This base editing system also enables efficient multiplex editing and can be easily cured after editing by sucrose counter-selection. This work will expand the knowledge base regarding the engineering of cyanobacteria. The findings of this study will encourage the biotechnological applications of cyanobacteria.


Cernava, T. (2024): Coming of age for Microbiome gene breeding in plants. Nat Commun 15, 6623 (2024) |

The plant microbiota can complement host functioning, leading to improved growth and health under unfavorable conditions. Microbiome engineering could therefore become a transformative technique for crop production. Microbiome genes, abbreviated as M genes, provide valuable targets for shaping plant-associated microbial communities.


Uno M., Bono H. (2024): Transcriptional Signatures of Domestication Revealed through Meta-Analysis of Pig, Chicken,

Wild Boar, and Red Junglefowl Gene Expression Data. Animals 14 (13): 1998 DOI: 10.3390/ani14131998

Domesticated animals have undergone significant changes in their behavior, morphology, and physiological functions during domestication. To identify the changes in gene expression associated with domestication, we collected the RNA-seq data of pigs, chickens, wild boars, and red junglefowl from public databases and performed a meta-analysis. Gene expression was quantified, and the expression ratio between domesticated animals and their wild ancestors (DW-ratio) was calculated. Genes were classified as “upregulated”, “downregulated”, or “unchanged” based on their DW-ratio, and the DW-score was calculated for each gene. Gene set enrichment analysis revealed that genes upregulated in pigs were related to defense from viral infection, whereas those upregulated in chickens were associated with aminoglycan and carbohydrate derivative catabolic processes. Genes commonly upregulated in pigs and chickens are involved in the immune response, olfactory learning, epigenetic regulation, cell division, and extracellular matrix. In contrast, genes upregulated in wild boar and red junglefowl are related to stress response, cell proliferation, cardiovascular function, neural regulation, and energy metabolism. These findings provide valuable insights into the genetic basis of the domestication process and highlight potential candidate genes for breeding applications.


Ranzani A.T., Buchholz K., Blackholm M., Kopkin H., Möglich A. (2024): Induction of bacterial expression at the mRNA level by

light., Nucleic Acids Research, gkae678 |

Vital organismal processes, including development, differentiation and adaptation, involve altered gene expression. Although expression is frequently controlled at the transcriptional stage, various regulation mechanisms operate at downstream levels. Here, we leverage the photoreceptor NmPAL to optogenetically induce RNA refolding and the translation of bacterial mRNAs. Blue-light-triggered NmPAL binding disrupts a cis-repressed mRNA state, thereby relieves obstruction of translation initiation, and upregulates gene expression. Iterative probing and optimization of the circuit, dubbed riboptoregulator, enhanced induction to 30-fold. Given action at the mRNA level, the riboptoregulator can differentially regulate individual structural genes within polycistronic operons. Moreover, it is orthogonal to and can be wed with other gene-regulatory circuits for nuanced and more stringent gene-expression control. We thus advance the pAurora2 circuit that combines transcriptional and translational mechanisms to optogenetically increase bacterial gene expression by >1000-fold. The riboptoregulator strategy stands to upgrade numerous regulatory circuits and widely applies to expression control in microbial biotechnology, synthetic biology and materials science.



FEZ Panel (2024): Safety evaluation of the food enzyme β-galactosidase from the genetically modified Bacillus licheniformis

strain DSM 34099. EFSA Journal 22 (8), e8949.


FEZ Panel (2024): Safety evaluation of the food enzyme glucan 1,4-α-maltohydrolase from the genetically modified Saccharomyces

cerevisiae strain LALL-MA+. EFSA Journal 22 (8), e8935.

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