
Sunday Evening News 389 - Week 34 - 2024

Weekly report on genetic engineering, genome editing, biotechnology and legal regulations.

August 2024-19-08 - 2024-25-08

Frieden für die Ukraine – 24. August 2024 Tag der Unabhängigkeit

Peace for Ukraine - August 24, 2024 Independence Day

Meetings - Tagungen

10. Fachtagung Gentechnik

Donnerstag, 12. September 2024 bis Freitag, 13. September 2024 | 12:30 Uhr bis 12:30 Uhr

LGL-Dienstgebäude Oberschleißheim


Press Releases -Media / Presse- und Medienberichte

Reminder / Erinnerung:

Gene Editing and New Breeding Techniques: Regulations, Ratings and Index


De Brouwer J.-L.: Belgium’s Council Presidency: Reviewing a remarkably stimulating six months


Ernhede C.: Hungary delays meeting on NGT proposal amid member state backlash


Miller H.I.and Kathleen L. Hefferon K.L.: Greenpeace's Cruel War on Genetically Engineered Crops Grinds On  

Greenpeace may be committed to 'saving the whales', but they're happy to let poor children go blind and die


Informationsdienst Gentechnik: Studie warnt vor Gentechnik-Pestiziden

Only some selected press releases or media reports are listed here. The daily up-date of the press releases and

media reports are ►here: August week 34


Publications – Publikationen

Waldhof, G. (2024): Moral value conflicts in the German debate about genetically engineered foods.

J Consum Prot Food Saf |

The German debate about genetically engineered crops for human consumption (GE) has been polarized for nearly three decades. Efforts to overcome this polarization generally involve distributing information, but research indicates that information has little to no impact on GE attitudes, especially among those with extreme positions. Recent studies suggest that moral value concerns drive GE opposition. However, the specific moral values underlying both support and opposition for GE are unknown, as is whether these values differ between GE supporters and opponents. The present research addresses these questions through latent content analysis. Findings show that most arguments in the debate address moral value concerns related to loyalty, often focusing on trust issues. Trust issues are more prevalent than moral concerns about preventing harm and risks. Furthermore, moral value conflicts are likely since GE supporters emphasize concerns related to authority, fairness, and liberty, while GE opponents focus more on values related to care and purity. This paper discusses these findings and recommends steps for improved science communication.


Ishida, S., & Sawai, T. (2024): From CRISPR to Conscience: Ethical Dilemmas in Gene Editing and Genetic Selection.

The American Journal of Bioethics, 24(8), 67–70.


Cavalet-Giorsa, E., González-Muñoz, A., Athiyannan, N. et al. (2024): Origin and evolution of the bread wheat D genome.

Nature |

Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) is a globally dominant crop and major source of calories and proteins for the human diet. Compared with its wild ancestors, modern bread wheat shows lower genetic diversity, caused by polyploidisation, domestication and breeding bottlenecks1,2. Wild wheat relatives represent genetic reservoirs, and harbour diversity and beneficial alleles that have not been incorporated into bread wheat. Here we establish and analyse extensive genome resources for Tausch’s goatgrass (Aegilops tauschii), the donor of the bread wheat D genome. Our analysis of 46 Ae. tauschii genomes enabled us to clone a disease resistance gene and perform haplotype analysis across a complex disease resistance locus, allowing us to discern alleles from paralogous gene copies. We also reveal the complex genetic composition and history of the bread wheat D genome, which involves contributions from genetically and geographically discrete Ae. tauschii subpopulations. Together, our results reveal the complex history of the bread wheat D genome and demonstrate the potential of wild relatives in crop improvement.


de Moura Cipriano, T., Pedroso, M.T.M., de Paula Nunes, I.A. et al. (2024): Public perception of folate-biofortified genetically

modified lettuce varieties in Brazil. Transgenic Res |

Lettuce is one of the most widely consumed vegetables in the world, commonly eaten fresh in salads, sandwiches, wraps, and as a garnish in various dishes. Consequently, it is a very promising vehicle to deliver vitamins, such as folate (vitamin B9), to a specific population using biofortified varieties generated by conventional or molecular breeding. A new genetically modified lettuce was generated with increased folate content. However, some issues related to public perception regarding this technology should still be evaluated. The aim of this study was to analyze whether consumers are willing to accept a folate-biofortified GM lettuce that could become available to the Brazilian market. A questionnaire involving several issues regarding lettuce consumption was answered by 2,391 people from almost all Brazilian states. When informed that the folic acid biofortified lettuce is a transgenic plant, 46.1% of respondents stated that they would eat it and 30.5% stated that it would be a possibility. This study demonstrated that if there is any explanation regarding the advantage in relation to the use of biotechnology, like enrichment with folic acid, the number of people who accept it increases.


Ahmed S., Shohael A.M., Ahamed T., Ahmed R., Ahmed H. M., Hassan S. (2024): Understanding public perspectives on

genetically engineered Brinjal and the adoption of modern biotechnology in Bangladesh.  Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., Sec. Biosafety and Biosecurity 12 |

This article is part of the Research Topic Advancing Science in Support of Sustainable Bio-Innovation: 16th ISBR Symposium View all 16 articles

The agricultural sector in Bangladesh is currently facing numerous challenges. The country is currently endeavoring to adopt modern biotechnological tools, such as genetic engineering, to modify crops with the aim of ensuring food security. Notably, Bt Brinjal represents a significant milestone as the first genetically engineered (GE) food crop commercially cultivated in South Asia. Public perception and awareness are crucial steps forward for accepting and commercializing GE crops within society. The study discussed here aims to assess public perception and awareness regarding modern biotechnology and GE crops, focusing mainly on Bt Brinjal in Bangladesh. A random survey considered demographic factors such as age, gender, hometown, educational qualification, and occupation to explore the public attitudes towards Bt Brinjal and modern biotechnology. Approximately one-third of those surveyed considered Bt Brinjal safe for consumption, and a third expressed a willingness to buy Bt Brinjal, while nearly two-thirds believed it would gain popularity in the market alongside other crops. Most respondents recognized the necessity of utilizing modern biotechnology for crop improvement beyond Bt Brinjal, and respondents with science backgrounds displayed higher awareness and a more positive attitude than those with limited education or non-science backgrounds. This study explores the public perceptions of Bt Brinjal and the adoption of modern biotechnology in Bangladesh by examining factors such as knowledge dissemination, acceptance levels, and concerns related to GE crops, and offers a meaningful perspective that can shape decision-making processes to promote agricultural sustainability and achieve relevant sustainable development goals in Bangladesh.


Sundström J.F., Berlin A., Phuong N.K., Karlsson M., Andreasson E. (2024): New genomic techniques can contribute to reduced

pesticide usage in Europe, Plant People Planet |

Societal Impact Statement: Can modern breeding technologies, such as genome editing, contribute to reduced pesticide usage? This question has been accentuated by a recent legal proposal to exempt genome-edited plants from the strict regulations applied to classical genetically modified (GM) crops within the European Union (EU). Using official statistics on crop cultivation and pesticide usage for two example crops commonly grown in Sweden, we calculate that cereal farmers collectively could save up to 70 million € in pesticide usage for wheat alone and that a late blight-resistant potato could reduce pesticide usage by over 80% provided that the EU legislation is amended.

Summary: The European Commission has set goals to reduce the use of chemical pesticides, and one way to meet these goals in the agricultural sector is to breed disease-resistant crops. Here, we ask whether modern breeding technologies, for example, genome editing using site-directed nucleases, can contribute to these goals. This question has been accentuated by recent legal proposals in the European Union (EU) and several other jurisdictions worldwide to exempt genome-edited plants from the strict regulations often applied to classical genetically modified (GM) crops. Using official statistics on crop cultivation and pesticide usage for two example crops commonly grown in Sweden (wheat and potato), we show that cereal farmers collectively could potentially save up to 70 million € in pesticide usage for wheat alone and that a late blight-resistant potato could reduce pesticide usage by over 80% provided that the EU legislation is amended. Given the immense potential of genome-edited crops, we further discuss details in the legal proposal currently being negotiated in the EU on the so-called new genomic techniques that includes both genome editing and targeted insertions of cisgenes. Although promising, we argue that several technical limitations in the legal proposal will, if implemented, hamper the development of disease-resistant crops and make the suggested legislation less future-proof.


Weldemichael M.Y., Gebremedhn H.M., Teklu T.H. (2024): Advances in genome editing and future prospects for Sorghum

improvement: A review: Plant Gene 39, 100464 |

Recent developments in targeted genome editing accelerated genetic research and opened new potentials to improve crops for better yields and quality. Given the significance of cereal crops as a primary source of food for the global population, the utilization of contemporary genome editing techniques like CRISPR/Cas9 is timely and crucial. CRISPR/Cas technology has enabled targeted genomic modifications, revolutionizing genetic research and exploration. Application of gene editing through CRISPR/Cas9 in enhancing sorghum is particularly vital given the current ecological, environmental, and agricultural challenges exacerbated by climate change. As sorghum is one of the main staple foods of our region and known to be a resilient crop with high potential to overcome the above challenges, application of genome editing technology will enhance investigation of gene functionality. CRISPR/Cas9 enables the improvement of desirable sorghum traits, including nutritional value, yield, resistance to pests and diseases, and tolerance to various abiotic stresses. Furthermore, CRISPR/Cas9 has the potential to perform intricate editing and reshape the existing elite sorghum varieties, and introduce new genetic variations. However, current research primarily focuses on improving the efficacy of CRISPR/Cas9 system in successfully editing endogenous sorghum genes, making it a feasible and successful undertaking in sorghum improvement. Recent advancements and developments in CRISPR/Cas9 techniques have further empowered researchers to modify additional genes in sorghum with greater efficiency. Successful application and advancement of CRISPR techniques in sorghum will not only aid in gene discovery, the creation of novel traits that regulate gene expression, and functional genomics, but also in facilitating site-specific integration events. The purpose of this review is, therefore, to elucidate the current advances in sorghum genome editing and highlight its potential in addressing food security issues. It also assesses the efficiency of CRISPR-mediated improvement and its long-term effects on crop improvement and host resistance against parasites, including tissue-specific activity and the ability to induce resistance. This review ends by emphasizing the challenges and opportunities of CRISPR technology in combating parasitic plants, and proposing directions for future research to safeguard global agricultural productivity.


Lawrenson, T., Clarke, M., Kirby, R. et al. (2024): An optimised CRISPR Cas9 and Cas12a mutagenesis toolkit for Barley and

Wheat. Plant Methods 20, 123 |

Background: CRISPR Cas9 and Cas12a are the two most frequently used programmable nucleases reported in plant systems. There is now a wide range of component parts for both which likely have varying degrees of effectiveness and potentially applicability to different species. Our aim was to develop and optimise Cas9 and Cas12a based systems for highly efficient genome editing in the monocotyledons barley and wheat and produce a user-friendly toolbox facilitating simplex and multiplex editing in the cereal community.

Results: We identified a Zea mays codon optimised Cas9 with 13 introns in conjunction with arrayed guides driven by U6 and U3 promoters as the best performer in barley where 100% of T0 plants were simultaneously edited in all three target genes. When this system was used in wheat > 90% of T0 plants were edited in all three subgenome targets. For Cas12a, an Arabidopsis codon optimised sequence with 8 introns gave the best editing efficiency in barley when combined with a tRNA based multiguide array, resulting in 90% mutant alleles in three simultaneously targeted genes. When we applied this Cas12a system in wheat 86% & 93% of T0 plants were mutated in two genes simultaneously targeted. We show that not all introns contribute equally to enhanced mutagenesis when inserted into a Cas12a coding sequence and that there is rationale for including multiple introns. We also show that the combined effect of two features which boost Cas12a mutagenesis efficiency (D156R mutation and introns) is more than the sum of the features applied separately.

Conclusion: Based on the results of our testing, we describe and provide a GoldenGate modular cloning system for Cas9 and Cas12a use in barley and wheat. Proven Cas nuclease and guide expression cassette options found in the toolkit will facilitate highly efficient simplex and multiplex mutagenesis in both species. We incorporate GRF-GIF transformation boosting cassettes in wheat options to maximise workflow efficiency.


Pandey S., Divakar S., Sing A. (2024): Genome editing prospects for heat stress tolerance in cereal crops.

Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 215, 108989 |

The world population is steadily growing, exerting increasing pressure to feed in the future, which would need additional production of major crops. Challenges associated with changing and unpredicted climate (such as heat waves) are causing global food security threats. Cereal crops are a staple food for a large portion of the world's population. They are mostly affected by these environmentally generated abiotic stresses. Therefore, it is imperative to develop climate-resilient cultivars to support the sustainable production of main cereal crops (Rice, wheat, and maize). Among these stresses, heat stress causes significant losses to major cereals. These issues can be solved by comprehending the molecular mechanisms of heat stress and creating heat-tolerant varieties. Different breeding and biotechnology techniques in the last decade have been employed to develop heat-stress-tolerant varieties. However, these time-consuming techniques often lack the pace required for varietal improvement in climate change scenarios. Genome editing technologies offer precise alteration in the crop genome for developing stress-resistant cultivars. CRISPR/Cas9 (Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat/Cas9), one such genome editing platform, recently got scientists' attention due to its easy procedures. It is a powerful tool for functional genomics as well as crop breeding. This review will focus on the molecular mechanism of heat stress and different targets that can be altered using CRISPR/Cas genome editing tools to generate climate-smart cereal crops. Further, heat stress signaling and essential players have been highlighted to provide a comprehensive overview of the topic.


Watson, O., Hayta, S. (2024): Precision breeding in agriculture and food systems in the United Kingdom.

Transgenic Res |

In recent years there have been major advances in precision breeding technologies, such as gene editing, that offer promising solutions to revolutionise global crop production and tackle the pressing issues in food systems. The UK has leading expertise in genomics, and research is already taking place to develop crops with improved resilience to climate change, resistance to disease and less reliance on chemical inputs. In March 2023, the Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Act received Royal Assent and passed into UK law. It provides a framework from which to build more proportionate regulations for plants and animals made using genetic technologies which contain genetic changes that could also arise through traditional breeding—known as ‘Precision Bred Organisms’. New legislation and the utilization of UK world-leading research could help to enhance the efficiency of breeding systems and enable the development of plants and animals that are healthier, better for the environment and more resilient to climate change.


Qu, L., Huang, X., Su, X. et al. (2024): Potato: from functional genomics to genetic improvement. Mol Horticulture 4, 34 |

Potato is the most widely grown non-grain crop and ranks as the third most significant global food crop following rice and wheat. Despite its long history of cultivation over vast areas, slow breeding progress and environmental stress have led to a scarcity of high-yielding potato varieties. Enhancing the quality and yield of potato tubers remains the ultimate objective of potato breeding. However, conventional breeding has faced challenges due to tetrasomic inheritance, high genomic heterozygosity, and inbreeding depression. Recent advancements in molecular biology and functional genomic studies of potato have provided valuable insights into the regulatory network of physiological processes and facilitated trait improvement. In this review, we present a summary of identified factors and genes governing potato growth and development, along with progress in potato genomics and the adoption of new breeding technologies for improvement. Additionally, we explore the opportunities and challenges in potato improvement, offering insights into future avenues for potato research.


Zhang J., Wang Y., Susu Zhang S., Shuhui Zhang S. et al. (2024): ABIOTIC STRESS GENE 1 mediates aroma volatiles

accumulation by activating MdLOX1a in apple, Horticulture Research, uhae215,

Fruit aroma is an important organoleptic quality, which influences consumer preference and market competitiveness. Aroma compound synthesis pathways in plants have been widely identified, among the lipoxygenase pathway is crucial for fatty acid catabolism to form esters in apple. However, the regulatory mechanism of this pathway remains elusive. In this study, linear regression analysis and transgene verification revealed that the lipoxygenase MdLOX1a is involved in ester biosynthesis. Yeast one-hybrid library screening indicated that a protein, MdASG1 (ABIOTIC STRESS GENE 1), was a positive regulator of MdLOX1a and ester production based on yeast one-hybrid and dual-luciferase assays, as well as correlation analysis among eight different apple cultivars. Overexpression of MdASG1 in apple and tomato stimulated the lipoxygenase pathway and increased the fatty acid-derived volatile content, whereas the latter was decreased by MdASG1 silencing and CRISPR/Cas9 knockout. Furthermore, MdASG1 overexpression enhanced the salt-stress tolerance of tomato and apple “Orin” calli accompanied by a higher content of fatty acid-derived volatiles compared to that of non-stressed transgenic tomato fruit. While MdASG1-Cas9 knockdown calli do not respond to salt stress and promote the biosynthesis of fatty acid-derived volatiles. Collectively, these findings indicate that MdASG1 activates MdLOX1a expression and participates in the lipoxygenase pathway, subsequently increasing the accumulation of aroma compounds, especially under moderate salt stress treatment. The results also provide insight into the theory for improving fruit aroma quality in adversity.


Liu, N., Lyu, X., Zhang, X. et al. (2024): Reference genome sequence and population genomic analysis of peas provide

insights into the genetic basis of Mendelian and other agronomic traits. Nat Genet >

Peas are essential for human nutrition and played a crucial role in the discovery of Mendelian laws of inheritance. In this study, we assembled the genome of the elite vegetable pea cultivar ‘Zhewan No. 1’ at the chromosome level and analyzed resequencing data from 314 accessions, creating a comprehensive map of genetic variation in peas. We identified 235 candidate loci associated with 57 important agronomic traits through genome-wide association studies. Notably, we pinpointed the causal gene haplotypes responsible for four Mendelian traits: stem length (Le/le), flower color (A/a), cotyledon color (I/i) and seed shape (R/r). Additionally, we discovered the genes controlling pod form (Mendelian P/p) and hilum color. Our study also involved constructing a gene expression atlas across 22 tissues, highlighting key gene modules related to pod and seed development. These findings provide valuable pea genomic information and will facilitate the future genome-informed improvement of pea crops.


Hoepers , I.M., Heinemann J-A., Zanatta C.B., Chu P., Hiscox T,C., Agapito-Tenfen S. (2024): Predicted multispecies unintended

effects from outdoor genome editing. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 282, 116707, |

CRISPR/Cas9, a potent genetic engineering tool widely adopted in agriculture, is capable of introducing new characteristics into plants on a large scale and without conventional breeding methods. Despite its remarkable efficiency, concerns have arisen regarding unintended consequences in uncontrolled environments. Our aim was to assess potential activity in organisms that could be exposed to genome editing in uncontrolled environments. We developed three scenarios, using irrigation, fumigation and fertilization as delivery methods, based on outdoor uses in agriculture, namely pest and disease control. Using publicly available software (Cas-OFFinder, NCBI Genome Data Viewer and STRING), off-target effects were predicted in multiple species commonly found in the agroecosystem, including humans (16 of 38 (42 %) sampled). Metabolic enrichment analysis (gene IDs), by connecting off-target genes into a physiological network, predicted effects on the development of nervous and respiratory systems. Our findings emphasize the importance of exercising caution when considering the use of this genome editing in uncontrolled environments. Unintended genomic alterations may occur in unintended organisms, underscoring the significance of understanding potential hazards and implementing safety measures to protect human health and the environment.


Verardo L.L., Carolino N., Duarte M.R., Almeida E.A,R., Dallago G., Magalhães A.F. (2024): Editorial: Omics applied to livestock

genetics: volume II: Front. Genet., Sec. Livestock Genomics 15 |

This article is part of the Research Topic Omics Applied to Livestock Genetics,volume II View all 16 articles



EFSA (European Food Safety Authority), (2024). EFSA statement on the requirements for whole genome sequence analysis of

microorganisms intentionally used in the food chain. EFSA Journal 22 (8), e8912.


EFSA: Messéan, A., Álvarez, F., Devos, Y., & Camargo, A. M. (2024). Assessment of the 2022 post-market environmental monitoring

report on the cultivation of genetically modified maize MON 810 in the EU. EFSA Journal, 22(8), e8986. 

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