
Sunday Evening News 393 - Week 38 - 2024

Weekly report on genetic engineering, genome editing, biotechnology and legal regulations.

September 2024-09-16 - 2024-09-22

Podcast S. Schuh: Nachhaltiger Pflanzenschutz mit RNA-Sprays – Reduktion durch Innovation

Ein thematischer Ausflug mit der Biologin Prof. Dr. Gabriele Krczal / Doppelfolge RNA-Methode im Pflanzenschutz Entwicklung von RNA-Sprays


Press Releases - Media / Presse- und Medienberichte

Ursula von der Leyen stellt Kollegium der EU-Kommission 2024-2029 vor


EurActiv: Everything you need to know about the new Commission


Tooze A.: Chartbook 317 Draghi's view of Europe (1): Investment, R&D & the US-EU comparison


Der Draghi-Bericht: Wettbewerbsfähigkeit im Zentrum der EU Politik


GM Watch: Erfolgreiche Nachweismethoden für neue Genomtechniken


Successful detection methods for new genomic techniques


Holly L.: Gegen den unsichtbaren Hunger

Ingo Potrykus hat selbst Hunger erlebt. Der Biologe entwickelte Reis, der Vitamin-A-Mangel lindern soll. Doch Greenpeace kämpft dagegen.!6033907/


Only some selected press releases or media reports are listed here. The daily up-date of the press releases

and media reports are ►here: September week 38


Publications – Publikationen

Sponagel C., Jan Weik J., Back H., Witte F., Wagner M., Bahrs E. (2024): klimaschutzpotenzial und ökonomische Bewertung

exemplarischer technischer Adaptationsmaßnahmen sowie Innovationen im konventionellen Ackerbau Deutschlands - Studie im Auftrag des Industrieverbands Agrar e. V. (IVA), August 2024


IVA-Diskussionspapier: Technische Minderungspotenziale für Treibhausgas-Emissionen im Ackerbau


Poux X. and Aubert P.-M. (2018): An agroecological Europe in 2050: multifunctional agriculture for healthy eating


Bassi, F. M., Sanchez-Garcia, M., & Ortiz, R. (2024): What plant breeding may (and may not) look like in 2050?

The Plant Genome 17, e20368 |

At the turn of 2000 many authors envisioned future plant breeding. Twenty years after, which of those authors’ visions became reality or not, and which ones may become so in the years to come. After two decades of debates, climate change is a “certainty,” food systems shifted from maximizing farm production to reducing environmental impact, and hopes placed into GMOs are mitigated by their low appreciation by consumers. We revise herein how plant breeding may raise or reduce genetic gains based on the breeder's equation. “Accuracy of Selection” has significantly improved by many experimental-scale field and laboratory implements, but also by vulgarizing statistical models, and integrating DNA markers into selection. Pre-breeding has really promoted the increase of useful “Genetic Variance.” Shortening “Recycling Time” has seen great progression, to the point that achieving a denominator equal to “1” is becoming a possibility. Maintaining high “Selection Intensity” remains the biggest challenge, since adding any technology results in a higher cost per progeny, despite the steady reduction in cost per datapoint. Furthermore, the concepts of variety and seed enterprise might change with the advent of cheaper genomic tools to monitor their use and the promotion of participatory or citizen science. The technological and societal changes influence the new generation of plant breeders, moving them further away from field work, emphasizing instead the use of genomic-based selection methods relying on big data. We envisage what skills plant breeders of tomorrow might need to address challenges, and whether their time in the field may dwindle.


Sharma, V., Thakur, M., Maan, S.S. et al. (2024): In Vitro Mutagenesis: A Non-invasive Technology for Effective Crop

Improvement to Assure Food and Nutritional Security—Current Trends, Advancements and Future Perspectives. J Plant Growth Regul |

In vitro mutagenesis is an indispensable and effectual method of mutation breeding which can be applied in comprehensive endeavours of different agricultural areas to sustain the needs of an ever-expanding and nutritionally demanding human population as well as to combat climate change. Mutagenesis has helped in developing a large number of improved mutant varieties over the years and enhancing plant breeding efforts worldwide. In vitro mutation induction, on the other hand, offers a tremendous potential for increasing food yields, which might ensure the improvement in way of living. In vitro mutagenesis can also contribute in resolving or at least limiting some of the constraints caused by various stresses, which can precipitate significant yield losses in crops and also have a considerable impact on their productivity. This review combines the most relevant and comprehensive work related to the mutation breeding approaches and their role in crop improvement to assure food and nutrition security. It focuses on different mutagenic players, e.g. physical (gamma rays, X-rays, etc.), chemical (Alkylating agents, azides, base analogues, sodium azide, benzene, etc.) and biological (various viruses and bacterial species), their applications and impact on in vitro mutagenesis. It covers various conventional and modern approaches of mutagenesis and their role in sustainable agriculture and crop improvement. In addition, various molecular approaches involved in mutation breeding technologies are discussed thoroughly. This article emphasized on the potential of induced mutagenesis techniques for crop improvement to meet the food and nutrition demands of a growing population. In conclusion, in vitro mutagenesis stands as a powerful tool in the realm of crop improvement, offering targeted genetic modifications that can enhance desirable traits.


Geethanjali, S., Kadirvel, P. & Periyannan, S. (2024): Wheat improvement through advances in single nucleotide

polymorphism (SNP) detection and genotyping with a special emphasis on rust resistance. Theor Appl Genet 137, 224 |

Key message: Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers in wheat and their prospects in breeding with special reference to rust resistance.

Abstract: Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based markers are increasingly gaining momentum for screening and utilizing vital agronomic traits in wheat. To date, more than 260 million SNPs have been detected in modern cultivars and landraces of wheat. This rapid SNP discovery was made possible through the release of near-complete reference and pan-genome assemblies of wheat and its wild relatives, coupled with whole genome sequencing (WGS) of thousands of wheat accessions. Further, genotyping customized SNP sites were facilitated by a series of arrays (9 to 820Ks), a cost effective substitute WGS. Lately, germplasm-specific SNP arrays have been introduced to characterize novel traits and detect closely linked SNPs for marker-assisted breeding. Subsequently, the kompetitive allele-specific PCR (KASP) assay was introduced for rapid and large-scale screening of specific SNP markers. Moreover, with the advances and reduction in sequencing costs, ample opportunities arise for generating SNPs artificially through mutations and in combination with next-generation sequencing and comparative genomic analyses. In this review, we provide historical developments and prospects of SNP markers in wheat breeding with special reference to rust resistance where over 50 genetic loci have been characterized through SNP markers. Rust resistance is one of the most essential traits for wheat breeding as new strains of the Puccinia fungus, responsible for rust diseases, evolve frequently and globally.


Kanaujia A., Gupta S. (2024): Tracing scientific and technological development in genetically modified crops.

Transgenic Res |

Genetically Modified (GM) Organisms have been used in various domains since their introduction in the 1980s. According to ISAAA data, the use of GM crops in agriculture has also increased significantly in the past 30 years. However, even after 3 decades of commercialisation, GM crops are still surrounded with controversies with different countries adopting varying approaches to their introduction in the consumer markets, owing to different stances of various stakeholders. Motivated by this multitude of opinions, and absence of knowledge mapping, this study has undertaken scientometric analysis of the publication (Web of Science) and patent ( data about genetically modified technology use in agriculture to explore the changing knowledge patterns and technological advancements in the area. It explores both scientific and technological perspectives regarding the use of Genetically Modified Crops, by using publication as well as patent data. The findings of this study highlight the major domains of research, technology development, and leading actors in the ecosystem. These findings can be helpful in taking effective policy decisions, and furthering the research activities. It presents a composite picture using both publications and patent data. Further, it will be of utility to explore the other technologies which are replacing GM technology in agriculture in future studies.


Pasin F., Uranga M., Charudattan R., Kwon C.T. (2024): Deploying deep Solanaceae domestication and virus biotechnology

knowledge to enhance food system performance and diversity. Horticulture Research 11 (9), uhae205 |

Our knowledge of crop domestication, genomics, and of the plant virosphere unevenly represents the taxonomic distribution of the global biodiversity, and, as we show here, is significantly enriched for the Solanaceae. Within the family, potato, tomato, eggplant, pepper, and over 100 lesser-known edible species play important nutrition and cultural roles in global and local food systems. Technologies using engineered viruses are transitioning from proof-of-concept applications in model plants to the precise trait breeding of Solanaceae crops. Leveraging this accumulated knowledge, we highlight the potential of virus-based biotechnologies for fast-track improvement of Solanaceae crop production systems, contributing to enhanced global and local human nutrition and food security.


Ye, Y., Zhai, Y., Zhang, C. et al. (2024): Simultaneous detection of CaMV35S and NOS using fluorescence sensors with

dual-emission silver nanoclusters and catalytic hairpin amplification strategy. Microchim Acta 191, 601 (2024).

A dual-emission fluorescent biosensing method was developed for simultaneous determination of CaMV35S and NOS in genetically modified (GM) plants. Two designed hairpin DNA (H1, H2) sequences were used as templates to synthesize H1-AgNCs (λex  = 570 nm, λem  = 625 nm) and H2-AgNCs (λex  = 470 nm, λem  = 555 nm). By using H1-AgNCs and H2-AgNCs as dual-signal tags, combined with signal amplification strategy of magnetic separation to reduce background signal and an enzyme-free catalytic hairpin assembly (CHA) signal amplification strategy, a novel multi-target fluorescent biosensor was fabricated to detect multiple targets based on FRET between signal tags (donors) and magnetic Fe3O4 modified graphene oxide (Fe3O4@GO, acceptors). In the presence of the target NOS and CaMV35S, the hairpin structures of H1 and H2 can be opened respectively, and the exposed sequences will hybridize with the G-rich hairpin sequences HP1 and HP2 respectively, displacing the target sequences to participate in the next round of CHA cycle. Meanwhile, H1-HP1 and H2-HP2 double-stranded DNA sequences (dsDNA) were formed, resulting in the desorption of dsDNA from the surface of Fe3O4@GO due to weak π-π interaction between dsDNA and Fe3O4@GO and leading to the fluorescence recovery of AgNCs. Under optimal conditions, the linear ranges of this fluorescence sensor were 5 ~ 300 nmol L−1 for NOS and 5 ~ 200 nmol L−1 CaMV35S, and the LODs were 0.14 nmol L−1 and 0.18 nmol L−1, respectively. In addition, the fluorescence sensor has good selectivity for the detection of NOS and CaMV35S in GM soybean samples, showing the potential applications in GM screening.


Zhu H., Wang H., Wang L., Zheng Z. (2024): CRISPR/Cas9-based genome engineering in the filamentous fungus Rhizopus

 ryzae and its application to L-lactic acid production. Biotechnology Journal |

The filamentous fungus Rhizopus oryzae is one of the main industrial strains for the production of a series of important chemicals such as ethanol, lactic acid, and fumaric acid. However, the lack of efficient gene editing tools suitable for R. oryzae makes it difficult to apply technical methods such as metabolic engineering regulation and synthetic biology modification. A CRISPR-Cas9 system suitable for efficient genome editing in R. oryzae was developed. Firstly, four endogenous U6 promoters of R. oryzae were identified and screened with the highest transcriptional activity for application to sgRNA transcription. It was then determined that the U6 promoter mediated CRISPR/Cas9 system has the ability to efficiently edit the genome of R. oryzae through NHEJ and HDR-mediated events. Furthermore, the newly constructed CRISPR-Cas9 dual sgRNAs system can simultaneously disrupt or insert different fragments of the R. oryzae genome. Finally, this CRISPR-Cas9 system was applied to the genome editing of R. oryzae by knocking out pyruvate carboxylase gene (PYC) and pyruvate decarboxylase gene (pdcA) and knocking in phosphofructokinase (pfkB) from Escherichia coli and L-lactate dehydrogenase (L-LDH) from Heyndrickxia coagulans, which resulted in a substantial increase in L-LA production. In summary, this study showed that the CRISPR/Cas9-based genome editing tool is efficient for manipulating genes in R. oryzae.

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