January 2025-01-27 - February 2025-02-02
Vor 25 Jahren zur Erinnerung:
Am 29.Januar 2000 einigen sich mehr als 135 Länder in Montréal auf ein Abkommen über den Handel mit gentechnisch veränderten Produkten. Das Biosafety-Protokoll soll dem Schutz der Verbraucher und der Artenvielfalt dienen.
25 years ago as a reminder:
On January 29, 2000, more than 135 countries agree in Montréal on an agreement on trade in genetically modified products. The Biosafety Protocol is intended to protect consumers and biodiversity.
Technologieland Hessen: Die Farben der Biotechnologie
13. Februar 2025 im Jügelhaus in Frankfurt, 09:30 - 17:00 Uhr.
Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium: New genomic techniques in grapevine: challenges and opportunities for the
viticulture of tomorrow
Kolloquium / Vortragsveranstaltung - Julius Kühn-Institut, Institut für Rebenzüchtung Geilweilerhof Siebeldingen 25. 02. 2025,
WGG: Bundestagswahl 2025 – Die Wahlprogramme der Parteien – Gentechnik und Biotechnik
VBIO: Bundestagswahl 2025 – warum Sie an dieser Stelle keine Wahlprüfsteine finden
VLOG: Bundestagswahl 2025: Welche Gentechnik-Politik bekommen wir?
VLOG: Bundestag election 2025: What genetic engineering policy will Germany have?
Grethe H.: Bundestagswahl: Wie Klimaschutz zur Chance für die Landwirtschaft werden kann
Fazit: Klimaschutzpotenziale der Landwirtschaft werden bisher viel zu wenig in wirtschaftliche Chancen für die Landwirtschaft übersetzt. Hier liegt eine große Gestaltungschance für die kommende Bundesregierung.
https://table.media/climate/standpunkt/bundestagswahl-wie-klimaschutz-zur-chance-fuer-die-landwirtschaft-werden-kann/ paperwall - file vorhanden
29 Parteien nehmen an der Bundestagswahl 2025 teil
Die Parteien SPD, GRÜNE, FDP, AfD, Die Linke, FREIE WÄHLER, Volt, MLPD, BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND und BSW sind in allen 16 Ländern mit Landeslisten vertreten.
Bio Deutschland: Podiumsdiskussion zur Regulierung des Genome Editing auf der Grünen Woche in Berlin
dazu: Verschläft die EU die CRISPR-Revolution? - Aktuelle Hintergrundinformationen und Entwicklungen zu neuen genomischen Techniken (siehe link im Text oben)
POINT NEWSLETTER NR. 271 – JANUAR 2025 Aktuelle Biotechnologie
Grobner C.: Mendels Erbinnen machten der Pflanzenzüchtung Tempo, doch Europa zaudert
Heritable Agriculture, a Google spinout, is bringing AI to crop breeding
https://www.economist.com/science-and-technology/2025/01/29/heritable-agriculture-a-google-spinout-is-bringing-ai-to-crop-breeding behind paperwall – pdf-file available
Council of the EU: Working Party on Genetic Resources & Innovation in Agriculture (GMO) & Other Innov. Rel. Agri, 20 January 2025
Research for the AGRI committee: Report: The next reform of the CAP: The variables in the equation
Annexes: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2025/759316/CASP_STU(2025)759316(ANN01)_EN.pdf
Only some selected press releases or media reports are listed here. The daily up-date of the press releases and
media reports are ►here: January week 05
Khosravi S., Hinrichs R., Rönspies M., Haghi R., Puchta H., Houben A. (2025): Epigenetic state and gene expression remain
stable after CRISPR/Cas-mediated chromosomal inversions. New Phytol. https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.20403
The epigenetic state of chromatin, gene activity and chromosomal positions are interrelated in plants. In Arabidopsis thaliana, chromosome arms are DNA-hypomethylated and enriched with the euchromatin-specific histone mark H3K4me3, while pericentromeric regions are DNA-hypermethylated and enriched with the heterochromatin-specific mark H3K9me2. We aimed to investigate how the chromosomal location affects epigenetic stability and gene expression by chromosome engineering.
Two chromosomal inversions of different sizes were induced using CRISPR/Cas9 to move heterochromatic, pericentric sequences into euchromatic regions. The epigenetic status of these lines was investigated using whole-genome bisulfite sequencing and chromatin immunoprecipitation. Gene expression changes following the induction of the chromosomal inversions were studied via transcriptome analysis.
Both inversions had a minimal impact on the global distribution of histone marks and DNA methylation patterns, although minor epigenetic changes were observed across the genome. Notably, the inverted chromosomal regions and their borders retained their original epigenetic profiles. Gene expression analysis showed that only 0.5–1% of genes were differentially expressed genome-wide following the induction of the inversions.
CRISPR/Cas-induced chromosomal inversions minimally affect epigenetic landscape and gene expression, preserving their profiles in subsequent generations.
Elsner M., Atkinson G., Zahidi S. (2025): Global Risks Report 2025
The 20th edition of the Global Risks Report 2025 reveals an increasingly fractured global landscape, where escalating geopolitical, environmental, societal and technological challenges threaten stability and progress. This edition presents the findings of the Global Risks Perception Survey 2024-2025 (GRPS), which captures insights from over 900 experts worldwide. The report analyses global risks through three timeframes to support decision- makers in balancing current crises and longer-term priorities.
Shaw, R.E., Farquharson, K.A., Bruford, M.W. et al. (2025): Global meta-analysis shows action is needed to halt genetic
diversity loss. Nature | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-08458-x
Mitigating loss of genetic diversity is a major global biodiversity challenge1,2,3,4. To meet recent international commitments to maintain genetic diversity within species5,6, we need to understand relationships between threats, conservation management and genetic diversity change. Here we conduct a global analysis of genetic diversity change via meta-analysis of all available temporal measures of genetic diversity from more than three decades of research. We show that within-population genetic diversity is being lost over timescales likely to have been impacted by human activities, and that some conservation actions may mitigate this loss. Our dataset includes 628 species (animals, plants, fungi and chromists) across all terrestrial and most marine realms on Earth. Threats impacted two-thirds of the populations that we analysed, and less than half of the populations analysed received conservation management. Genetic diversity loss occurs globally and is a realistic prediction for many species, especially birds and mammals, in the face of threats such as land use change, disease, abiotic natural phenomena and harvesting or harassment. Conservation strategies designed to improve environmental conditions, increase population growth rates and introduce new individuals (for example, restoring connectivity or performing translocations) may maintain or even increase genetic diversity. Our findings underscore the urgent need for active, genetically informed conservation interventions to halt genetic diversity loss.
Jin S.S., Sun Z.Y., Deng F., Yan C.Z., Zhu R.N. (2025): Impact of Technological Innovation on Global Crop Export Trade:
The Example of Innovation in GM Technology. Food and Energy Security 14: e70031. https://doi.org/10.1002/fes3.70031
Biological breeding technology is a significant scientific and technological innovation in the world. It is also a crucial strategic plan in China's efforts to improve its seed industry. This paper examines the impact of transgenic technology on global crop export trade since its introduction in the production field. The study analyzed the binary marginal data of genetically modified (GM) soybean technological innovation and export in 41 countries worldwide from 2002 to 2012. The analysis utilized a panel regression model. The results indicate that GM technological innovation has a significant and positive association with the intensive margin of soybean export growth. However, it has an insignificant effect on the export extensive margin. The impact of GM technological innovation on the export extensive margin of different crops is heterogeneous. The cultivation of GM crops (GMOs) has been found to have a nonsignificant impact on food crops like soybeans and corn but a positive and significant impact on industrial commodity crops such as cotton. Furthermore, additional analyses indicate that the policy of planting GMOs has a positive moderating effect on technological innovation that affects the export-intensive margin while having a negative moderating effect on technological innovation that acts on the export-extensive margin. Technological innovation affects market forces and impacts the intensive margin of export growth. The global trade of crops has been driven by innovations in genetically modified technology. Policy support and market power have also played a significant role in the success of each country.
Hanley, B. (2025). Genetic Manipulation in Agriculture. In: Natural and Unnatural Product Chemistry. Springer, Cham.
Classification of plants (Linnaeus) is a necessary precursor to effective cross breeding. Breeding by phenotype and adoption of hybridisation techniques were early stage advances. The Green Revolution led to enhanced yields of major crops. The Malthusian theory of population growth suggests it will outstrip increased food production unless the paradigm can be altered. The development of marker assisted selection of useful traits and homologous gene expression can be used to improve crops using existing genetic material. The development of heterologous gene expression in suitable hosts—for example the production of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in oilseed crops—offers a way of conserving resources. Gene editing and CRISPR technology will become increasingly impactful. The parable of the Ship of Theseus and replacement of functional parts of the genome is an important thought experiment. The production of natural and unnatural products. The regulatory landscape and the Precautionary Principle (Europe) compared to the GRAS system (US) will influence the pace of technological change. The potential for the enhanced production of bioactive secondary natural products to improve heath and wellness is comparatively little studied compared to methods to induce phenotypic changes.
Hanley B. (2025): Natural and Unnatural Product Chemistry - From Molecules to Systems
This book examines and summarises the developments and changes in the approach of organic and natural product chemists over the past years, presenting both the successes and inevitable missteps. These illustrate the process from molecular isolation and structural identification, synthesis and biosynthesis and future perspectives, including the development of biological engineering. The anticipated audience are chemistry-literate scientists who are interested both in specific aspects of natural product chemistry and the illustrative process of trial, error and success which defines the area.
Chawla R., Poonia A., Samantara K., Mohapatra S.R., Naik S.B., Ashwath M.N., Djalovic I.G., Prasad P.V.V. (2023): Green revolution
to genome revolution: driving better resilient crops against environmental instability. Front. Genet. 14:1204585. |doi: 10.3389/fgene.2023.1204585
Crop improvement programmes began with traditional breeding practices since the inception of agriculture. Farmers and plant breeders continue to use these strategies for crop improvement due to their broad application in modifying crop genetic compositions. Nonetheless, conventional breeding has significant downsides in regard to effort and time. Crop productivity seems to be hitting a plateau as a consequence of environmental issues and the scarcity of agricultural land. Therefore, continuous pursuit of advancement in crop improvement is essential. Recent technical innovations have resulted in a revolutionary shift in the pattern of breeding methods, leaning further towards molecular approaches. Among the promising approaches, marker-assisted selection, QTL mapping, omics-assisted breeding, genome-wide association studies and genome editing have lately gained prominence. Several governments have progressively relaxed their restrictions relating to genome editing. The present review highlights the evolutionary and revolutionary approaches that have been utilized for crop improvement in a bid to produce climate-resilient crops observing the consequence of climate change. Additionally, it will contribute to the comprehension of plant breeding succession so far. Investing in advanced sequencing technologies and bioinformatics will deepen our understanding of genetic variations and their functional implications, contributing to breakthroughs in crop improvement and biodiversity conservation.
Shohael, A.M.; Kelly, J.; Venkataraman, S.; Hefferon, K. (2025): Unlocking Opportunities and Overcoming Challenges in
Genetically Engineered Biofortification. Nutrients, 17, 518. | https://doi.org/10.3390/nu17030518
Micronutrient deficiencies affect over three billion people globally; there is a particularly severe problem with iron and zinc nutrition in developing countries. While several strategies exist to combat these deficiencies, biofortification has emerged as a powerful and sustainable approach to enhance the nutritional value of staple crops. This review examines recent advances in crop biofortification and their potential to address global nutritional challenges. We present successful case studies including iron-enriched cassava, nutrient-enhanced tomatoes, and omega-3-fortified oilseed crops, demonstrating the diverse possibilities for improving nutritional outcomes. The integration of novel plant-based protein production techniques has further expanded opportunities for sustainable nutrition. However, significant challenges remain, including complex environmental interactions, regulatory considerations, and sociocultural barriers to adoption. Economic analyses suggest biofortification offers substantial return on investment, with every dollar invested generating up to seventeen dollars in benefits through reduced disease burden. As global food security challenges intensify due to climate change, biofortified crops represent a crucial tool for improving nutritional outcomes, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. We conclude by examining emerging opportunities and future directions in this rapidly evolving field.
Miedaner, T., Garbelotto, M. (2024): Human-mediated migration of plants, their pathogens and parasites. J Plant Pathol 106,
301–325 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42161-024-01589-0
The adoption of agriculture in several parts of the world during the early Neolithic period led to a fundamental change in human migration. By introducing newly domesticated crops into new environments, pathogens and parasites were also inadvertently transferred from their regions of origin and underwent a considerable population growth. In the newly settled regions, some pests of indigenous plants adapted to new crops by host switching. This review is limited to three basic migration events and mainly to agricultural crops of the temperate zone: (1) the migration of the first farmers from SE Asia to Europe, (2) European expansion from the 16th century onward, (3) modern globalization since the 20th century. Molecular analyses offer the opportunity to study the evolutionary history of pest populations, their origin and dynamics and their spread around the world. Cereals’ rusts and powdery mildew, storage insects were the first to spread with wheat species, barley, and pulses from the Levant across Eurasia. The Columbian exchange of crops to and from the Americas brought entirely new pests to Europe while old world pathogens spread to the Americas and subsequently to all other regions colonized by Europeans. Modern globalization further facilitated the spread of pathogens and insects worldwide, as previously inconceivable amounts of agricultural products, business travelers, and maybe tourists have elevated global accessibility. This is illustrated by case studies based on fungi and insects. In the near future, pests will have colonized all crops in all countries where they can exist according to their agro-climatic requirements.
Bortolin, F., Rigato, E., Perandin, S. et al. (2025): First evidence of the effectiveness of a field application of RNAi technology
in reducing infestation of the mite Varroa destructor in the western honey bee (Apis mellifera). Parasites Vectors 18, 28 | https://doi.org/10.1186/s13071-025-06673-7
Background: The mite Varroa destructor is the most serious pest of the western honey bee (Apis mellifera) and a major factor in the global decline of colonies. Traditional control methods, such as chemical pesticides, although quick and temporarily effective, leave residues in hive products, harming bees and operators’ health, while promoting pathogen resistance and spread. As a sustainable alternative, RNA interference (RNAi) technology has shown great potential for honey bee pest control in laboratory assays, but evidence of effectiveness in the field has been lacking.
Methods: We investigated the efficacy and feasibility of a RNAi treatment to improve bee health under natural beekeeping conditions by integrating a honey bee diet with a mixture of dsRNA targeting V. destructor acetyl-CoA carboxylase, Na+/K+ ATPase and endochitinase genes.
Results: In treated hives, we observed that the average infestation rate of phoretic Varroa mite was reduced by 33% and 42% relative to control bees fed with sucrose and GFP-dsRNA, respectively. The dsRNA treatment did not affect bee survival, and the beekeepers involved in the project found the method manageable in the apiary and non-intrusive to production activities.
Conclusions: Our findings demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of RNAi technology in reducing Varroa mite infestations under natural rearing conditions. This study supports the potential of RNAi as a promising alternative to chemical pesticides, offering a targeted, efficient and sustainable solution for managing V. destructor in honey bee populations.
FEZ Panel (2025): Safety evaluation of the food enzyme α-amylase from the non-genetically modified Aspergillus sp. strain FUA.
EFSA Journal, 23(1), e9167. https://doi.org/10.2903/j.efsa.2025.9167
FEZ Panel (2025). Safety evaluation of changed use levels of the food enzyme triacylglycerol lipase from the non-genetically modified
Limtongozyma cylindracea strain AE-LAYH (B). EFSA Journal, 23(1), e9223. https://doi.org/10.2903/j.efsa.2025.9223
FEZ Panel (2025): Safety evaluation of an extension of use of the food enzyme triacylglycerol lipase from the genetically modified
Aspergillus niger strain LFS. EFSA Journal, 23(1), e9225. https://doi.org/10.2903/j.efsa.2025.9225
FEZ Panel (2025). Safety evaluation of an extension of use of the food enzyme glucose oxidase from the genetically modified
Aspergillus niger strain ZGL. EFSA Journal, 23(1), e9224. https://doi.org/10.2903/j.efsa.2025.9224